Sunday 24 February 2013


Hey gamers! I have alot to say today so let's start. 
The PS4 event a few days ago was stunning, I loved every part of it. They showed the hardware at the beginning, but I'm not a hardware genious so I didn't mind it. On the forums alot of people said the hardware is dissapointing but when I saw the games, I realized I didn't dream to have anything as awesome as this. 
Lets talk about the games.

Deep Down:

Wow, I love RPG games, and this looks like a Dragon's Dogma sequel. I think, the trailers graphics are by far the best seen on this night. I hope Fantasy open world games will shine in the next-gen because these have the most potential to suck players in. I hope we get more details on this, as we didn't get any at all from Capcom in the event.


Incredible. I played Dust 514 on my PS3 and got amazed by how thousands of people can play together on a shooter. How amazing a MMO Sci-Fi game can be. This reminds me of that game and I think it is another game with massive potential, because MMOs are the ebst way to keep a player playing your game a long time.

inFamous: Second Son:

Looks really nice, all the information we know until now is good, and you can't go wrong with an inFamous game. As a fan of the series, I loved the story, the grim atmosphere and the gameplay. By the trailer, we have all of that here too, but you can never be sure until we see some minutes of gameplay. Anyways, it looks great and has caught my eye. 

Watch Dogs:

Ubisoft, you are the best game company out there. You always come out with great games, in every different genre, and blow the gamers minds. The idea of the hacker guy is really cool, and not only looks good on paper but looks good in the game too. Best IP I have seen in a while.

Thats all for today folks, have fun gaming and sorry for my Engrish.

Friday 8 February 2013

PS4 Announcements

Hey gamers! So I saw the new Sony teaser video, and it looks awesome. As a pretty late PS3 buyer (May 2011), I didn't really need a new one, but why not?

So I know a lot of people might think this isn't a new Playstation Console, but I think it has to be, because if it isn't, people will get really pissed off. It obviously isn't a portable, the Vita hasn't been here that long so that isn't an option. I also hope it won't be so pricey, so it doesnt have a hard start like the last generation consoles did.

I'm super excited too, I guess I'll work hard all the summer to buy one. I hope games will be announced, because I don't play every game on the PS3 and if there isn't a Uncharted or another exclusive, I don't need to be excited yet. 

Out of curiosoty, I checked out the original Xbox 360 and PS3 announcements and I realized something nice. Besides both of them have gone a long way, Microsoft always had a better show coming on. They looked so modern even 7 years ago, while Sony looked extremely old, with the people on stage very nervous, and barely know how to speak English. Sony has gotten alot better in the last years, but I still think that Microsoft always has the upper hand.

I have a wierd guess too. If Microsoft were really mean, they would give the press a teaser about their next console a day before the event, and the hype about the next Sony console would lessen alot and open up a war. That'd be cool haha.

So as always, I answer your comments and sorry for my bad English :P